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Reprocessing Rethought: An Open Forum Discussion On Novel Decontamination Methods for Reusable Medical Devices

Published Date: January 30, 2025

As reusable medical devices have advanced, the importance of effective decontamination methods (cleaning, disinfection, and/or sterilization) has increased to ensure that these devices can be safely reused from patient to patient. This focus on decontamination methods has resulted in novel processes being developed to help reduce reprocessing time and decrease the need for harsh chemicals. One decontamination method that has recently gained recognition is inactivating microorganisms using ultraviolet (UV) light. Recent studies and products have demonstrated that UV may be an effective surface decontamination process for non-critical and semi-critical medical devices. The intent of this review and open discussion will center around the effectiveness of UV decontamination for reusable medical devices and the potential struggles associated with validating a novel decontamination method.

Key Learning Points:

  • Review of the requirements for validating decontamination methods (cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization) for reusable medical devices.
  • Discuss the methods and struggles when validating a novel method, like UV.
Griffin Cammack

Griffin Cammack

Reprocessing Expert

Griffin Cammack has worked at Nelson Labs for over 8 years, specializing in cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization validations of reusable medical devices. His current role as Expert Technical Consultant at Nelson Labs involves providing assessments and justifications for reusable medical device validations for manufacturers, such as master product (worst-case device) determinations, test method justifications, test...