Introducing: Our New Automated Re-Order Feature
Now you can re-order quotes for routing testing – quickly and easily!
As we continue to find ways to improve your service experience, we have initiated a new automated re-order feature within the Nelson online portal. This feature will allow you the ability to re-order quotes for routine testing inside the portal saving you time in getting the repeat, routine testing you need to keep your production moving faster. Your Account Representative will always be available for any quote requests you chose to send via e-mail or phone; however, this new feature will help to expedite routine quotations.
Where can I find this new feature?
It is located within your Nelson Labs Customer Portal. Simply login to the Nelson Labs Customer Portal at the top of this page and you will see “Re-Order” buttons next to any past or current testing that you have previously ordered.
How do I use this new feature?
- Step 1: Log into your Nelson Labs Customer Portal.
- Step 2: Search past or present studies and click the “Re-Order” button icon on the right (this will add the test and any associated fees to your cart). Continue to add tests that you would like quoted and make any modification to the tests within the cart. Click the cart icon at the top to proceed to checkout.
- Step 3: Indicate whether the requested quote will need STAT, GLP, and if you need any samples returned following testing. Indicate the project or product name (this will be reflected on your quote). If any changes are required to locked fields (i.e. sample quantity updates, etc.), indicate those changes within the notes field. Once all fields have been appropriately completed click “Submit”.
- Step 4: A pop-up window will reflect your new quote number and your new quote will be created and sent to you. If there are any questions with your quote request, your Account Representative will reach out to you directly.
When can I start using this new feature?
Now! This new feature went live Monday, 09 September 2019.
For any questions, please reach out to your Nelson Account Representative or to our general Sales e-mail: [email protected].