Nelson Labs is proud to work in collaboration with the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Action Center to bring hands-on STEM education exposure to students throughout the state of Utah. The Nelson Lab’ WISE (Women in STEM Education) Committee is one way Jeff Nelson, President and CEO of Nelson Laboratories, and a chairman of the STEM Action Center Board, is supporting STEM initiatives in Utah.
Nelson Labs’ scientists are recognized medical technology thought leaders, serving on the standards committees who develop and perfect the medical device testing standards that help ensure medical devices are safe for patient use. Nelson Labs is leading the industry in the race to acquire regulatory approval of emerging in vitro biocompatibility test alternatives to animal testing. Our scientists are paving new paths for the future of medical device testing, and we are committed to investing in STEM education to ensure the talent of tomorrow is prepared to carry on this legacy of scientific excellence.
Nelson Labs’ WISE Committee has taken an active role in sharing the STEM message to encourage junior high and high school aged young women to become more involved in STEM areas. Since January, when the WISE Committee was formed, scientists from Nelson Labs have participated in multiple conventions to provide girls an up-close look at a day in the life of a scientist. These workshops have given students a chance to work side by side with scientists from Nelson Labs to perform bioburden and calorimetric testing. The students were also able to talk with our industry experts and receive guidance about important skills to develop and classes to take in high school and college en route to a STEM career.
Utah STEM Fest brought together over 12,000 seventh and eighth graders from across the valley to participate in interactive exhibits highlighting opportunities for STEM careers in Utah. Nelson Labs’ booth allowed students to test their knowledge about the organisms and bacteria that live on items they use every day, and examine them closely under a microscope.
Most recently, the WISE Committee’s focus on STEM education took them to two high schools on the Monument Valley Navajo Reservation in Southern Utah. Partnering with Junior Achievement of Utah, the WISE Committee attended career fairs aimed at encouraging Navajo high school students to pursue higher education and careers in the STEM areas. Scientists from Nelson Labs spent time with the students teaching them about the importance of the medical device testing we perform at Nelson Labs, and helping them perform chemistry experiments with liquid nitrogen. Volunteers from the WISE Committee also spoke to several Career and Technical Education (CTE) classes, sharing their passion for science and advising students on ways to pursue STEM careers.
Jeff Nelson believes that inspiring our state’s student population and helping them achieve success with the STEM topics will in turn improve our economy, and encourage businesses to be more competitive. The STEM program facilitates collaboration between businesses and educators to better prepare students for hi-tech careers. Jeff is dedicated to encouraging the upcoming generation to become interested and excel in the STEM areas by continuing to support conventions and providing opportunities for students to obtain hands-on experiences with scientists from Nelson Labs.
Visit www.stem.utah.gov to learn more about Nelson Labs’ commitment to STEM education.