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Raymond Colton

Raymond Colton

E&L Expert

Raymond Colton is a long-time industry expert in extractables and leachables (E&L). He has a great depth of industry experience and founded an E&L testing laboratory in 2001, which he sold in 2018.  For over two decades he has been instrumental in advancing the science of E&L testing by participating in industry forums, publishing papers, and making presentations through the world.

Raymond joined Nelson Labs in 2023 as Director of E&L Services in North America. In his role at the Nelson Labs he will expand test offerings in North America and will collaborate closely with fellow Nelson Labs E&L experts in Leuven, Belgium, home of the Nelson Labs European center of excellence. He joined Nelson Labs because he always respected the premium the company placed on scientific principle.

He has bachelor’s and master’s degrees in chemical engineering (BS from Clarkson University and MS from University of Washington) and an MBA from New York University. He has numerous presentations and publications on his CV.

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