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MDM Minneapolis

October 16, 2024
October 17, 2024

Minneapolis Convention Center
Minneapolis, MN

Mike Pizzi
+1 (801) 290-7524
[email protected]

We are happy to announce Nelson Labs will be exhibiting in booth #3321  at the 2024 MDM Minneapolis trade show, in Minneapolis, MN on October 16-17, 2024.

Nelson Labs will have consultants available to MDM Minneapolis participants to answer even the most difficult testing and compliance questions. Stop by booth #3321 and mark your calendar for Nelson Labs’ educational lectures, and roundtable debate (additional details will be provided closer to the event date).

Nelson Laboratories’ MDM Minneapolis Events:

Tech Theater Presentation

Date:  Wednesday, Oct 16 | 1:00 – 1:45 PM
Tech Theater Booth: #2744
Title: Package Validations – When and How to Perform a Validation
Presenter: Logan Luke, Packaging Expert and Technical Consultant, Nelson Labs
Description: Preparing for a 510(k) submission involves many moving parts, including demonstrating your sterile barrier system remains integral up until its point of use, and throughout its shelf-life. When is the right time to perform a package validation? What steps need to be taken prior to validation? How do you set your validation up for success? In this presentation, we’ll answer these questions and discuss ways to prevent common critical errors that can be costly and add delays to your package validation.

Picture of Logan Luke, Nelson Labs packaging expert.

Logan holds a degree in microbiology and has 7 years of experience working at Nelson Labs. He has worked in the sterilization, IDs, and packaging departments. He has extensive knowledge in the packaging section and has aided many customers with their package testing needs, from the benchtop to troubleshooting and validation design. He is well versed in a broad spectrum of packaging tests, from lot release package testing for pharmaceutical products to full package validations, including shipping and distribution.