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How Should Disinfection Validations Be Performed for Reusable Medical Devices?

Published Date: September 5, 2023

This webinar took place on day 2 as part of a 3-day Focus On Fundamentals series, called Reusable Medical Device Masterclass: Cleaning, Disinfection, and Sterilization Validations.

This 3-day course will guide you through the challenges, requirements, methods, and tools for standards-compliant validation of reusable medical devices. Presented in three 60-minute sessions, it will guide you through cleaning validations and pertinent fishbone concepts; requirements for disinfection validation for device decontamination; and an overview of sterilization validations, required data sets, and more.

Disinfection is a key process in the decontamination of semi-critical devices and most non-critical devices. It is the terminal step before the device can be reused and it is important to ensure that the disinfection procedure is properly validated. However, disinfection validations are not as simple or straightforward as sterilization validations for these products. Before you can start your disinfection validation, you need to ensure that you have designed the validation correctly. This includes ensuring the appropriate disinfection level, the correct microbial challenge application, and the appropriate disinfectant for your device and the region in which you are marketing the device.

This presentation will help guide you through the process and avoid common pitfalls to help you properly perform disinfection validations for your medical device.

What You’ll Learn:

  • If your device needs sterilization or disinfection as the terminal step.
  • How to determine what disinfection level is appropriate for your device.
  • How to design and perform a disinfection validation based on the appropriate disinfection level for your device.

Learn more about the presenter below.

Griffin Cammack

Griffin Cammack

Reprocessing Expert

Griffin Cammack has worked at Nelson Labs for over 8 years, specializing in cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization validations of reusable medical devices. His current role as Expert Technical Consultant at Nelson Labs involves providing assessments and justifications for reusable medical device validations for manufacturers, such as master product (worst-case device) determinations, test method justifications, test...