When developing a disinfectant or sanitizer (herein referred to as disinfectant) for use on environmental surfaces, the sponsor must first develop and support a label claim based upon guidelines set forth by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In order to substantiate the claim the sponsor is planning to make on their label, they must perform one or more evaluations as dictated by the EPA.
The goal of this webinar is to provide a general overview of disinfectant-efficacy testing and to provide a detailed methodology to assist in designing studies for submission to the EPA that accurately represent facility procedures and to ensure that OCSPP guidance is followed.
This webinar covers testing methodologies and strategies as well as test method acceptance criteria and interpretation of results from disinfectant-efficacy studies. One specific aim of the webinar is to provide insight into how the results of a disinfectant-efficacy evaluation for the sponsor’s submission to the EPA will be gathered, interpreted, and best presented for the submission.
Takeaway highlights:
- Study design: How to choose parameters that are representative of your facility while meeting regulatory expectations.
- Differences between quantitative and qualitative data for submission.
- Interpretation of results: Translating data into useful information on the efficacy of the disinfectant.
Learn about the presenters below.